ISO 17100
English and German translations are verified in accordance with the industry standard ISO 17100. This work is carried out within the basic scope of our services each time.
Any specialized text translated by KOMPUTEKST agency is always subject to a revision by one of our experts, with specialized know-how and experience in the relevant field, or by a native speaker of a language at hand. Thanks to this step we are able to deliver translations of specialized tests which excel at high quality and terminological consistency.
Each piece of translation delivered by KOMPUTEKST agency features exceptionally accurate translation craft, unified stylistic conventions, completeness and terminology typical of a specific industry or an individual Client. Translation revision stage involves principally the linguistic checks: the analysis of the translated text against the established terminology and the correction of possible ambiguities.
KOMPUTEKST translation agency offers text revision services as a part of package offers or as a stand-alone service.